Get ready for a week of unmissable episodes.

In a special week of episodes, emotions boil over and the stakes are at their highest as Abi, Kevin, Imran and Toyah go head to head.
The pressure builds on both Abi and Imran as the fight for custody of baby Alfie intensifies. Determined to clear her name and prove that Imran bribed Ben to lie in court, Abi feels the whole world is against her.
Deciding that her only chance to be with her son is to flee the country with him, Kevin helps Abi with her plan.
Abi sets about making plans to kidnap Alfie and escape abroad, unbeknownst to Imran who at the same time, is having a crisis of conscience, driven by the fact that Kelly is holding a mirror to his behaviour and he doesn’t like the man he’s become.
Aware he’s destroying Abi and unable to bear the guilt anymore, Imran makes the decision to come clean to both the court and Toyah. But with Kevin behind Abi and Toyah starting to unravel Imran’s lies for herself, will it be too late?
This dramatic week of episodes starts with a flashforward of Imran leaving a chilling message for Toyah in which he reveals everything.
As we move back and forth the action centres around a horrific car crash which leaves both Toyah and Imran lying unconscious in the wreckage. Pulling Toyah from the wreckage, Imran begs her not to die as the ambulance arrives at the crash scene.
When Abi and Kevin learn that Imran and Toyah have been in a car crash, they are horrified and as the police investigate why the car didn’t brake, they turn their questions to Kevin who’d worked on the car.
Continuing their investigation, the police are convinced that the crash wasn't an accident and Abi & Kevin are taken in by the police for questioning.
As Kevin assures Abi they’ll fight for custody of Alfie, Kelly tells the police that Imran was on his way to confess everything.
The week then ends with a flashback as we relive the car journey. Will we find out what really happened?
Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV