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Adam sends Lydia spiralling in Corrie as she loses her job

Can he get back into Sarah's good books?

Please note these spoilers are for the week commencing Monday 3rd January

After offering to take Harry for a kickabout, Sarah agrees but remains frosty towards Adam and when he tears a strip off Lydia for bitching about him to Sarah, Daniel’s taken aback.

When Sarah calls at Adam’s office, he assures her that he only cares about her and Harry and couldn’t care less about Lydia and Sarah thaws towards him.

Having won his case, Adam is furious to see that someone has keyed his car and accuses Lydia of trying to drive a wedge between him and Sarah.

When Lydia assures him she had nothing to do with it, Adam leaves and Lydia is left shaken and arrives at the factory for a business meeting clearly drunk. Gavin, her boss, is furious whilst Sarah’s concerned for her.

When Sarah tells Adam about Lydia turning up for the meeting drunk, he's quietly pleased but is shocked when Craig says that it was the disgruntled loser of the court case who keyed his car.

Sarah is furious to hear how Adam accused Lydia and lost her her job. But when Adam apologises to Lydia, saying he will speak to her boss, she refuses his help. And when Daniel wants to know why Lydia lost her job, a frosty Sarah suggests he asks Adam.

Later, Sarah is pleased for Lydia when she reveals that Carla’s given her the PA job at the factory and it was Adam who sorted it out. And Adam’s relieved to have finally got something right.

As Adam cleans the word ‘scum’ off his office window, he reckons it must be Jeremy Bremner’s doing and he still hasn’t got over his boundary dispute.

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV




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