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Al makes big changes at the Woolpack in Emmerdale

But will he win over Chas?

Paddy and Marlon are annoyed that Al has hired Ellis without their consent.

When Trevor, a rep for a new brewery arrives at the Woolpack, for a beer tasting, Marlon feels prickly about the situation but an impressed Chas seems won over and prepares to sign a contract with Trevor’s brewery.

Soon, Al unveils a new staff uniform for the Woolpack team.

After he makes a flirtatious comment at Chas, she later tells him how he overstepped the line and he's seemingly apologetic.

When Al hears Paddy is away on a course he invites Chas to a business dinner where he heaps more compliments on her and soon we’re left wondering if Al’s approach might be starting to work on Chas.

Emmerdale continues weeknights at 7pm and Thursdays at 8pm on ITV


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