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Bobby's suspicious of Roy when he finds him cleaning Lauren's flat in Corrie

Taking matters into his own hands, will Bobby find Lauren?


In the café, Bobby records an appeal with Suki from the Gazette in a bid to find Lauren and when Suki interviews Roy, his appeal is underwhelming and Bobby listens in despair.

When Evelyn apologetically tells Roy that she’s had to let Lauren’s flat go as the landlord found out she’d been sub-letting it, he assures her that Lauren will be fine and is convinced that she’s started afresh somewhere new.

After discovering that Evelyn is going to get charged for the terrible state Lauren’s flat has been left in, Roy es responsibility for cleaning it up.

Discovering Roy in the flat going through Lauren's things, Bobby is deeply suspicious and calling at No.8, fills Max in on his search for Lauren.

When Max reveals that Lauren had two O-Vidz accounts and Ryan reported her for the first one, Bobby’s intrigued and tells Carla and Ryan that someone called DirtyNigel54 posted online that they’ve spotted Lauren and he’s off to meet them to find out more. 

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1


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