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Brian forced to move in with Amy in Corrie after upsetting Mary

But with Brian driving her mad, can Amy convince Mary to take him back?

After Ed confirms that his flat needs rewiring, Brian has to move out and Mary tells him that he's welcome to sleep on the sofa.

But as Mary helps Brian pack his things, she comes across the Gazette review of Roxanna and realises that Brian wrote the review himself. Feeling cheated, Mary whacks him round the head with the Gazette and tells him to find somewhere else to stay.

As he moves into the flat, Brian does his best to bond with Amy’s uni mates and offers to do his Vernon Kay impression.

After telling Summer that Brian is driving her up the wall, Amy does her best to convince Mary that Brian deeply regrets upsetting her.

Later, joining Brian in the café, Mary wonders if they can be friends again and Brian soon tells Amy that he and Mary have made up and he’s invited her round for tea. And Amy Is annoyed to realise her plan to get rid of him has well and truly backfired!

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1



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