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Charity and Chas go to war with rival events in Emmerdale

But who will come out on top?

The Dingles are renowned for their feisty relationships and with The Woolpack and the B&B set to host special events on the same day the warring landladies take sides and create havoc in a battle of one-upmanship.

With Charity and Chas still not seeing eye to eye, not only is Charity annoyed the Woolpack refit is not quite ready but Chas has accepted a job at the B&B.

Knowing it will directly clash with the grand launch of the Woolpack, Mandy and Chas decide to hold Liv and Vinny’s engagement party in the B&B, purposely interfering with Charity’s launch.

Discovering the plan, Charity puts on a brave face to cover her hurt, knowing the family will all be at the engagement party rather than her reopening.

With Mandy upset at the status quo, Chas suggests to Vinny that they should make their fake engagement party, a real wedding reception, and Liv and Vinny agree to go ahead with the plan.

As both Mackenzie and Pollard do their best to sabotage each other’s event, Mackenzie and Marlon are united ahead of the grand reopening but Marlon is still concerned that the food delivery hasn’t turned up.

Following a rat infestation, Lydia tries to find a new venue for Liv and Vinny’s bash and with the day a damp squib of a disaster, Charity soon finds herself on the warpath and arrives at the Village Hall to have it out with Chas.

Just as she walks in a mystery hand turns on the sprinkler system, dousing the warring cousins in water, and ruining Liv and Vinny’s wedding celebration. And things soon reach new heights as a fight breaks out after Charity rubs Lydia’s homemade potato salad in Chas’ face!

Emmerdale continues Mondays to Fridays at 7.30pm on ITV



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