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Charity in shock as Kirin Kotecha returns to Emmerdale

But what does this mean for her adoption plans?

The character returns to the soap after four years away and is now played by Rish Shah.

As they're watched from afar, Charity explains to Priya that Kirin showing up now would only complicate the process of her adopting Johnny. So you can imagine how shocked Priya is when Kirin approaches her outside Holdgate and asks her for money.

Remembering Charity’s words, Priya says she’ll call the police unless he leaves. But when she's approached again, this time he asks to see Johnny. Forbidding it, Priya reveals that Charity is adopting him. But was she right to let him know this?

Floored, Kirin says he won't allow it and is annoyed that Priya won't give him any money, insisting he'll get the money from Charity instead.

With Charity full of optimism after explaining to Tracy that she’s passed all of her background checks in the adoption process, Kirin turns up. He says that he'll make it impossible for her to adopt Johnny unless she gives him a large sum of money. Without much choice, Charity hands over the money and Kirin’s shocked to hear about Vanessa’s cancer diagnosis.

When he notices the money she’s given him is less than the amount they agreed, he demands the full sum by the following night. But what lengths will Charity go to?

Chas seems set on calling the police after coming downstairs to find Paddy in deep thought about Kirin, but Charity pleads with him not to and he eventually gives in and lets Charity access the safe so that she can get the money to pay Kirin off.

However, things turn nasty when Charity turns up with less money than agreed. As things escalate, they’re both shocked when Tracy arrives with the police not far behind her.

Emmerdale continues weeknights at 7pm with an extra episode at 8pm on IT


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