But will he get the grades he needs?
Darren and Shing Lin are both shocked to discover that Charlie has applied for music college.
At home, Charlie gets excited about the prospect of going to his dream college, but when he goes to find his phone, Darren voices his concerns to Shing Lin about Charlie’s mental health taking a turn for the worse if things don’t go to plan with his grades.
When Hollyoaks High’s GCSE results day arrives, whilst all the other teens celebrate their results, Mason is deflated after finding out he’s failed maths and worries about his dad’s reaction.
Meanwhile, Shing Lin wonders where Charlie is. Rushing out of school, Charlie bumps into the news reporter.
In the park, Felix comes across Charlie and the teen opens up on his struggles inside his head, Felix offers him help but Charlie pushes him away. After confiding in Tony about how he’s toying with the idea of using his anxiety medication on the teen, Darren offers Charlie one of his tablets, but the teen refuses, saying he shouldn’t have to need them.
And Nancy leaves Charlie a voicemail saying how proud she is of him regardless of his grades. But Charlie isn’t in possession of his phone. Somebody else is.
With Charlie struggling, Shing Lin decides she should move back into Dave’s place. But when Jack takes a funny turn, Darren calls an ambulance.
Hollyoaks continues Mondays to Fridays at 6.30pm first look episodes available weekday mornings on Channel 4 and weekday evenings at 7pm on E4