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CORRIE SPOILERS Gary beats up Ryan, Max is suspended, James opens up to his brother + more

The following storylines will air 23rd-27th September at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.

Gary beats up Ryan


Gary is furious when Ryan gets a DJ job in a hotel as he still owes him hundreds and smashes up a cabinet in his shop. Cornering him in an alleyway behind the hotel, Gary demands his cash from Ryan who admits that he lied to Robert - it's an unpaid gig.

With his anger boiling over, Gary starts attacking Ryan. Only able to get £200, Ryan begs Gary to accept that for now. As he staggers into the Rovers with Gary helping him up, Ryan claims he was mugged.

Outside, Gary makes it clear to Derek that the same will happen to him if he doesn’t get far away from Izzy. Observing the row from his car, Adam’s private detective scrolls through photos on his phone of Gary beating up Ryan.

Adam confides in Imran over Gary attacking Ryan and together they confront Ryan who flatly denies it, sticking to the story that he was mugged. When Ryan tells Gary that Adam has had a private detective tailing him, Gary clocks the detective in his car and his expression darkens.

After ordering the private detective to send the photos to him, Adam announces in the Rovers that he has photos of Gary attacking Ryan. Whilst Imran points out the parallel to Rick going missing after dealings with Gary.

Max is suspended from school


Whilst being looked after by Audrey, Max overhears her in the salon telling Bethany that she wouldn’t blame Shona for packing her bags and leaving. And when Cathy's annoyed that Audrey has messed up the dye on her hair, she realises that Max has tampered with the mixture and marches him back to Shona.

On Audrey’s advice, Shona takes Max to visit David so that he can discipline him, but when he comments on how settled Max seems, she keeps quiet about what he's really been like.

When Billy tells Shona that Max tried to sell Summer his ADHD medication, she confronts him about selling pills at school before visiting the headmaster who suspends Max. After telling Leanne, she realises it's time to be honest with David.

Paying him a visit, David is incensed to learn of Max’s suspension and rows with Shona for keeping secrets from him before phoning her to apologise, saying he’d be lost without her.

It's left to Leanne to give Max a pep talk, but will she get through to him?

James opens up to his brother


After overhearing his conversation with Bethany, Michael asks his brother James if he's gay. As he opens up about his secret gay life with his friends in London, Michael's shocked to discover that Aggie has known the truth for years.

With Michael now knowing the truth, Angie feels it's not fair to keep Ed in the dark. But James is reluctant to come out to his dad.

As Bethany joins the Baileys for the Rovers’ pub quiz, Ed sings her praises making them all feel awkward for deceiving him.

Chesney and Gemma receive some worrying news


As they attend their latest scan, Chesney and Gemma discover that because one of the babies is smaller than the rest, future scans will have to be weekly rather than fortnightly.

Despite being told not to worry, Gemma and Chesney can’t help fretting.

Asha opens up to Amy about her skin lightening


When Asha shows no interest in auditioning for the school musical, Dev's confuse as she says she has no desire to get up on stage. Later, Asha’s alarmed as Amy reveals she’s put her name down for the musical auditions.

After performing well at her singing audition, Asha panics when she's handed a sleeveless dress for the dance trials and flees.

Realising that Amy thinks she's self-harming, Asha confesses that she’s had a bad reaction to a cream she’s using to lighten the colour of her skin. Amy threatens to snitch to Dev if Asha doesn’t stop using the cream.

Calling at No.7 to practise for the auditions, Amy is puzzled by Asha’s baggy clothes and as Asha sings her audition song, she's horrified to see blood seeping through the sleeve of her top.

Tyrone demands to know who Fiz "needs and misses"


Fiz sets up a meeting to discuss Hope’s appeal and her and Tyrone later realise during a game of Scrabble that Hope's maths still needs work. Meanwhile, Evelyn's nonplussed when Fiz receives a birthday card from Hope’s former teaching assistant in Birmingham, Jade.

When Tyrone arrives home with Roy, having enlisted him to teach Hope maths, Evelyn challenges Roy to a test.

After hearing of her and Tyrone's money woes, Gary offers Fiz a job and whilst flattered, she turns it down so that she can stay at home and teach hope.

Later in the pub, Tyrone overhears Fiz telling someone on the phone that she needs and misses them and demands to know who she's talking to.

Catching Hope in the back yard with a box of matches, Fiz is alarmed but chooses to hide this information from Tyrone.

Billy makes Paul realise he was groomed


Collaring Paul in the gents, Kel and urges him to move on from the past only Paul can’t pretend nothing happened. Later, flying off to Billy in the cafe, Paul argues that although he had underage sex, he gave full consent. Only Billy mentions how at fourteen he was too young to consent leading to Paul storming off.

Horrified to see Kel bringing Joseph home from school in his car, Billy invites Joseph to join him and Summer for tea. With Paul on the verge of opening up Bernie interrupts and Billy is puzzled to see Paul in the Rovers playing happy families with Bernie, Kel, Gemma and Chesney.

When Bernie hands around old photos, it dawns on Paul how young he really was in comparison to adult Kel and Billy tracks down a shocked Paul to Victoria Street. As he knocks back vodka, Paul admits all sorts of things he’s been blocking out are flooding back.

Billy explains he was groomed and abused but Paul insists he loved Kel. As Paul breaks down, Billy’s rocked by the depth of his denial.



Ken’s concerned to hear of Daniel’s behaviour at the Baileys’ party and worries he’s not coping. He’s later grateful when Claudia agrees that they can shorten their trip to Venice so that he can be around for his son.

And Izzy receives a call from Derek to say he’s returned to his wife.


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