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CORRIE SPOILERS Hope disappears, Bethany considers her future, Tim's wife arrives unannounced + more

The following storylines will air 20th, 22nd and 24th January at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV

Hope's disappearance leads Fiz to take drastic action

After Ruby reveals to Tyrone and Evelyn that Jade put makeup on Hope's arm to make it look like bruises, Christine checks with Dr Gaddas after realising that Jade took Hope to see her two days later and she would have seen her bruises.

In the backyard, Jade tells Hope to keep checking her phone as she’s planning an adventure and will be in touch. And as Hope and Ruby fight over a toy handbag, a mobile phone falls out and as he scrolls through the messages, Tyrone is horrified when he realises that Jade must have given it to her.

Reading a message promising Hope they’ll be together soon, Tyrone and Evelyn stare at each other in shock.

Breaking her silence, Hope tells Christine the truth about her bruises and that Jade told her to say it was "Mummy" who did them. However Jade sticks to her story when questioned by Christine, accusing Fiz of abusing her daughter.

With all accusations dropped, Fiz returns home and Ruby launches herself at Mummy whilst Hope refuses to make eye contact and dashes upstairs after she's told that Jade will never set foot in their house again. Upstairs, Hope secretly gives Jade a call and asks her if they can still go away together and lies in bed wide awake and fully dressed.

Discovering the back door unlocked and Hope gone, Fiz reckons Jade must have taken her but when the police search her house, there's no sign of her and Jade insists she knows nothing about Hope's disappearance.

Reminded of her John Stape hell, Fiz is convinced that Hope is being kept prisoner in Jade's attic, but after breaking into her house, she finds no sign of Hope but does discover a bag containing clothes, passports and one way ferry tickets to France and laters shows them to the police.

Back at the house, Fiz finds Jade there without Hope and assuming the worst she picks up a chopping board and hits her over the head with it. Walking in, Tyrone finds Jade out cold on the floor and Fiz standing over her. As they both discuss what to do, they're shocked to find that Jade has disappeared, leaving only a blood stain on the carpet.

After Yasmeen spots Jade lying unconscious in the ginnel, the police knock at No.9 to question Fiz about an assault on Jade Rowan, revealing that Jade was found in the ginnel with a head injury and wonders if Fiz can shed any light on the situation - whilst Evelyn assures the officer that they’ve no idea what happened.

Will Jade pull through and where is Hope? 


Bethany considers her future and it might mean leaving Weatherfield

After secretly hoping that Ray would be giving her the manager's job at the Bistro, Bethany is gutted when Alya reveals that he has made her the manager.

Later, Ray explains his decision to Bethany, telling her that Alya got the job based on her experience - but Bethany is left feeling underwhelmed when he offers her Head Waitress.

Confiding in Carla, Bethany tells her that she finds Ray a bit sleazy and is appalled when Carla tells her that he came onto Michelle and made her sign a gagging order. When she tells Alya what Ray is really like, she leaps to his defence and sends Bethany home, telling her to consider her position.

After discussing her career options with Daniel, she's shocked when he suggests she leave Weatherfield altogether. Encouraging her to spread her wings and apply for a place on a creative writing course, Daniel helps her with the application.


Tim's wife arrives unannounced

When Charlie turns up on Tim's doorstep explaining that she's lost her jobs, is completely and that he can forget about the divorce - as she's unable to afford the legal fees - Tim is shocked. But his shock soon turns into panic as she intimates that she's entitled to half his wealth.

But when Charlie returns with her bags, explaining that she's been evicted, Tim doesn't know how to get rid of her and worries about what he'll say to Abi. Before she signs any divorce papers, Charlie makes it clear that she wants £5k and is left to explain to Faye what Charlie meant when she told her she's her stepmum.

When he tells her that he's an accidental bigamist, Faye agrees to help him keep his marriage to Sally a secret from Charlie, in return for £100.

Later in the Rovers, Kevin and Steve agree to help Tim with the £5k he needs. After borrowing the money from them, he hands Charlie a cheque and urges her to go to the solicitors and sign the divorce papers.

But when Tim calls in the Rovers he’s horrified to discover Charlie working behind the bar, what is she up to?


David commits to Shona as she's moved to Leeds

David tells Nick that they’re moving Shona to a specialist unit in Leeds but he still intends to visit every day. After explaining the move to Max and telling him that he'll need to spend a couple of nights a week at Marion’s, Max puts on a brave face.


Maria starts to doubt Gary

Attending her 12 week scan, Maria is relieved to hear the baby is doing well and as her and Gary proudly show off their scan photo, Sarah and Adam make snide remarks. Later, as she tries to bury the hatched, Sarah assures Maria that she’s only looking out for her as she knows what Gary is capable of.

But when she overhears Gary on the phone saying "you know I love you" she immediately thinks the works. Determined to prove they’re now a family, Maria suggests she, Liam and Jake should accompany Gary to Bristol to visit Zack. Gary’s touched.


Chesney fears for Gemma and the quads as Paul and Bernie brings trouble to No.5

Billy urges Paul to accept that Kel may never be punished for his crimes and to move on with his life, whilst Chesney arrives home to find "Paedo" daubed on the window and flames licking at the door.

As Abi rushes over with a fire extinguisher, Gemma appears at the top of the stairs and realises that they’ve had a lucky escape.

As Gemma and the quads are taken to hospital to get checked out Chesney lets rip at Paul and Bernie for bringing trouble to their door. Later at the hospital, the police reveal that they’ll be stationing a car outside No.5 24 hours a day in case of further attacks.

Whilst Chesney and Gemma are horrified, Bernie and Paul are awash with guilt. Scared to go home in case of a repeat attack, Gemma’s chuffed when Freshco offer to put them up in a hotel and she urges Paul to put his ordeal with Kel behind him for everyone’s sake.

Calling on Paul, Bernie explains that she’s moving onto pastures new as she’s caused enough trouble round here and says an emotional farewell.


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