With their names above the door, they've agreed to turn the Rovers into a gastropub.

But as word spreads, Robert and Michelle are worried and when they ask to see the work at the Rovers, Johnny and Jenny tell them that they have to wait until the reopening.
Elsewhere, Gemma and Henry are thrilled when Johnny and Jenny agree to employ them at the Rovers when they re-open. As they celebrate in the street, they fail to spot two sinister-looking men watching Henry.
Johnny and Jenny enjoy fuelling speculation about their changes to the Rovers but refuse to allow anyone to have a preview before the big relaunch night.
When the big night arrives, Johnny and Jenny throw open the doors of the Rovers and everyone files inside. The regulars are amazed at what they find when and Liz watches sadly as Johnny and Jenny pose for the photographer outside.
Johnny and Jenny announce a lock in and send Henry to the cellar to change a barrel. But a scream is heard and Henry is discovered with a broken arm and a plan to sue Johnny and Jenny.