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CORRIE SPOILERS Relationship woes, a helping hand, a trip to Blackpool and a shock departure

The following storylines will air 3rd, 5th and 7th February at 7.30pm & 8.30pm on ITV

Yasmeen confides in Eileen over Geoff's behaviour

Scuppering Alya's plans to take Yasmeen for a massage, Geoff tells Yasmeen that Emma is not available to be his assistant for Tianna’s birthday party and forces her to rehearse his crushed in a box trick.

At the party, Yasmeen panics when the trick doesn't go to plan and despite Geoff painting on a smile for the audience, he makes it clear to Yasmeen that he is less than pleased.

Furious for making him a laughing stock, Geoff is incensed when he discovers that someone filmed the trick and put it online. Giving Yasmeen a hard time, he refuses to eat the breakfast she made for him and threatens to post videos of her online to show how pathetic she is.

After telling Yasmeen that he has had some inquiries about his act, Geoff says that she can make amends by doing some rehearsals. But when she gets in the box, he gets his keys and heads out to the box, leaving her locked in the box.

When Geoff returns home to find Tim with Yasmeen, he insists that he left the box open. Later, Yasmeen tells Eileen that Geoff deliberately locked her in and Eileen quizzes Brian and Cathy about Yasmeen’s supposed drink problem.

Fearing he is losing the upper hand and keen to win her round again, Geoff starts telling her about his ex wife who abused him. But will it work?


Gary commits to Maria

After explaining to Liam that she has lost the baby, Maria is upset when Gary tells Liam that he will have a brother or sister.

But Gary later assures Maria that he wants to be with her, baby or not. Maria’s relieved.

Elsewhere, Gary throws Ike out of the furniture shop after he turns up begging Gary to lend him £300 as he’s desperate.


Steve and Tracy come to an agreement

As The Book Club gather in the Rovers, Steve and Tracy are bored stiff and when Steve quietly reveals he’s booked a night at a posh hotel, they make their excuses and hurry out.

However they're both disappointed to discover that their posh hotel room is anything but. After agreeing that tiptoeing round each other isn’t working, Steve and Tracy decide it’s time to be honest with each other.

But will they see eye to eye?


Sally makes a surprising discovery

Trying to get back into Sally's good books, Tim plays their first wedding dance song through her letterbox only to be sent away with a flea in his year.

And as she looks over his divorce papers, Sally is bemused to find a mock-up wedding invitation, inviting her to her own wedding.


Bethany makes a decision about Daniel

Daniel is uneasy when he wakes up on the sofa to find Bethany asleep beside him still in Sinead’s dressing gown. And when Bethany reveals to Sarah that she spent the night at Daniel's, she is warned to tread very carefully as he’s clearly still grieving for his wife.

And when Daniel explains to Bethany that he’s not ready for a relationship, she assures him that she’s prepared to wait.

Elsewhere, when Ray asks Alya and Bethany to be extra nice to some investors, Bethany feels exploited and serves one of them with childish ice cream leaving Ray quietly furious.


Roy offers Nina a helping hand

When Nina calls at the cafe, Roy is pleased to see her whilst Carla is concerned. After admitting that she's starving and short of money, Roy offers to help her out - but Nina refuses to take his money.

Roy spots that she has her big rucksack with her, but Nina disappears before he can quiz her further. After Beth admits that she caught Nina going through the factory bins, Roy is left feeling perplexed.

As Nina settles down in a doorway, she is frightened off by a gang calling her names. When Roy and Carla discover that Nina moved out of her flat weeks ago they begin to worry and are thrilled to find her at the cafe.

After confessing that she has been homeless, Nina accepts Roy's offer of the sofa to sleep on.


One resident leaves the cobbles for good after a trip to Blackpool

In a special hour-long episode on Friday to mark the 10,000th episode of Coronation Street, the residents of Weatherfield take a trip down memory lane as they head for Blackpool on a very special mission.

When a package containing Dennis' ashes arrives, Rita is surprised and reads the note which requests for them to be scattered in Blackpool. Taking in the sad new of his death, Rita confides in Ken who agrees to go with her.

Deciding a day trip is something everyone would enjoy Jenny books a coach and invites lots of the residents to join them.

Amy, Audrey, Carla, Eileen, Emma, Evelyn, Gail, Jenny, Ken, Mary, Nina, Sean, Tracy, Sally, Yasmeen and Rita, clutching Dennis’s urn, all set off for Blackpool, but the trip is not without incident as it starts to look as though they won’t make it to Blackpool before nightfall tensions rise.

By the end of the trip, lives will have changed and one resident realises the time has come to leave the cobbles for pastures new.


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