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CORRIE SPOILERS Sally is arrested

But when interviewed by police, Sally pleads her innocence.

Sally, Tim, Gina, Geoff and Yasmeen are all dressed in circus outfits making the final preparations for the Speed Daal family day.

As Sally takes to the stage to thank everyone for their fundraising the police arrive and arrest her on suspicion of fraud, bribery and money laundering! Adam reveals he can’t represent her as Imran is representing Duncan.

The police demand to know why Duncan deposited £1000 as they present Sally with copies of her bank account. Sally quizzes Tim who admits the £1k was not a bonus from Streetcars and he thought it was a bank error.

Angry, Sally points out he has made her look guilty and that Duncan is claiming she and him were having an affair.

With Sally’s picture all over the press, she is furious that Barlow Legal Services are representing Duncan and storms round to have a go at Adam. Sally and Tim decide to stake out Duncan’s house to speak to his daughter but Duncan approaches the car and starts goading Tim.

Tim is stunned when the police knock at the door and arrest him. Returning from the police station with a caution, Tim has a shocking admission for Sally.

When Gina reveals that she’s hired Sally’s old school pal Paula Cunliffe who is now a hot shot solicitor specialising in fraud, Sally does her best to appear enthusiastic

Calling at No.4, Paula discuss Sally’s legal position with her and Sally is taken aback to realise how down to earth she is and not as she remembers her at all.

Paula assures Sally that she has a strong case as Duncan’s evidence is purely circumstantial.

These scenes will air Monday 13th, Wednesday 15th and Friday 17th July at 7:30pm and 8pm on ITV


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