But will Ken respect her wishes to keep it from Daniel?

After Peter bans the use of all mobile phones in the factory, Vicky reports Sinead to him for answering the phone. Not knowing that it's the hospital ringing about her biopsy results. As Vicky tries to grab the phone off Sinead, a fight ensues and Peter suspends them both for a week.
Meanwhile, Daniel confides in Ken that he's been offered a place on a Masters course but feels the time is not right with the pregnancy. However when Sinead finds out, she tells him that he must absolutely accept the place.
Upbeat, Daniel tells Ken that's he's enrolling on the course after getting Sinead's blessing.
At the hospital, Sinead is told that she should consider a termination as she has cervical and when Ken finds her in tears at the flat she tells him about her diagnosis.
But this leaves with him a terrible dilemma as Sinead doesn't want to tell Daniel, as she doesn't want to put him in a position where he has to choose between her and the baby. But will Ken agree to keep something so big from Daniel?
Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30pm and 8:30pm on ITV