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Diane blames cleanliness on pregnancy before taking drastic measures in Hollyoaks

Will Diane be OK?

Unlikely duo James and Shaq team up to trick Sami into admitting his true feelings for Verity before it's too late. After a change of heart about Verity, Sami asks for Diane’s help to find her.

As he calls for a taxi to the airport, Sami finds Verity in the village after she forgot her passport. Can he convince her to stay?

Fearing everything is contaminated after Sami pays her a visit, Diane vows to sanitise everything he touched.

When Sami notices that she’s thrown out the flowers he gave her he teases Diane about all the cleaning she’s doing. She blames it on her pregnancy hormones.

However, she later takes drastic measures to ensure her family is safe.

Hollyoaks continues Mondays - Fridays at 6.30pm on Channel 4


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