Can Leanne save her son?
When Ken takes Simon to the cafe for a chat, will a troubled Simon open up? And when Leanne catches Simon knuckling down to his coursework, she is delighted. However, this is short-lived when Jacob turns up and whisks him away.
When Simon arrives home with Jacob, Leanne's heart sinks and Simon darkly warns Leanne against throwing Jacob out. As a group of lads arrive she retreats to her room.
Simon is horrified when Jacob reveals how he rips off Harvey, the big boss, by stealing a few drugs and selling them separately. Bunging Simon a few quid to keep schtum, Jacob heads out.
Later, Harvey approaches Simon, revealing that he knows Jacob’s ripping him off and wonders if he knew anything about it. Simon’s terrified and assures him that he’s never stolen from him and knew nothing about Jacob’s scam.
Feeling desperate, Simon tells Harvey he wants out - but as he still owes him £2,000, Harvey says he'll do as he's told or end up in hospital like Jacob!
When Simon tells Leanne about Harvey, she says they've no choice but to go to the police.
But as they head out, they hear that Kelly is in hospital due to her pill taking. Panicking, Simon insists they can’t go to the police now as he sold her the pills. Appalled, Leanne tells Simon she’ll meet Harvey and sort this.
Corrie continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV