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EASTENDERS SPOILERS Louise reveals the truth about Keanu, Shirley issues Linda a warning + more

The following storylines will air 13th, 14th, 16th and 17th January on BBC One

Louise reveals the truth about Keanu

As her concerns grow for Louise, Bex bumps into Lisa who following their conversation is even more determined to help her daughter. And after Martin warns Ben to keep Louise under control, he issues her a severe warning.

When everything gets too much for Louise, she opens up to Lisa about the guilt she feels, revealing that Keanu is dead and it's all her fault. Convinced that Louise is unwell, Lisa heads out with Peggy and calls a doctor - her conversation overheard by Ian and Sharon. When they discover what Louise has said, Sharon is certain it's not true.

Desperate to help, Lisa tells Phil and Ben everything she knows, but once alone, Phil can't believe that Martin was the man Ben trusted to kill Keanu. As she encourages Louise to get help, Lisa explodes when Phil arrives to reveal that Louise isn't lying, but he assures her that Louise will be OK.

Later, Phil starts to worry as he spots the police outside the Taylor's and as the police question Karen about Keanu, she’s quick to play things down and the police knock at Phil's door.

Shirley issues Linda a warning

Mick lies to Shirley about the hotel booking from New Year, unaware that she already knows and urges him to confront Linda. When Linda arrives, she's shocked at Mick's accusation and is horrified to learn from the hotel she was there with a man.

Hiding her hangover from Mick, Linda feels the pressure at work with Shirley watching her and unable to cope with the stress, sneaks out to drink. But when Tina arrives with a letter, the Carter’s are left elated and Linda's quick to pop the champagne to celebrate. Spotting how worried Mick is, Shirley warns Linda that she'll be watching her every move.

After telling Shirley and Tina about the hotel booking, Mick apologises to Linda who struggles at work when Daniel offers her a drink. And as Linda plans to go out, Mick's suspicions get to her.

Honey admits she needs help

At a loss about how to help Honey, Billy shares his worries with Lola. Meanwhile, Honey is distraught when Habiba mentions it’s been 6 weeks since Adam left and after racing to get a pregnancy test, Ash encourages her to take it.

After finding evidence that Honey’s not been eating, Billy goes to extreme lengths which leads Honey to make a drastic decision. Refusing to listen to listen to those around her, Honey gets a wake-up call when her actions impact Janet and she finally opens up to Billy, admitting she needs help.

When Honey forces herself to eat in front of Janet and Will, Billy is delighted, but it all proves too much for Honey who realises she’s unwell.

Sonia does the unthinkable as Martin's hit and run victim wakes up

After hit and run victim George wakes up, Sonia promises to suss him out but is left shaken after speaking to him. After lying to Martin, Sonia pays him another visit and having done his own investigating, George has a demand.

As she tries to enjoy keeping her relationship with Martin a secret, Sonia's good mood is short lived when George continues to pile the pressure on her - leading her to do the unthinkable.

Returning home from a drink with Sonia, Martin is rocked by the arrival of a letter. What could it be?

Callum returns to Walford

As Callum steps foot in Albert Square once more, Ben is shocked to see him at the car lot, Stuart is thrilled to have him back and Rainie makes it her mission to get him dating again, making sure that Ben overhears her plan.

Later, when he spots Callum with a man, Ben sabotages what he thinks is a date. Quick to confront him, Callum issues some home truth - however he isn't prepared for Ben's response.

Taking Callum’s love life into her own hands, Rainie sets up a date for Callum, but will he go?


Dotty helps Leo out on his stall but his true colours are shown the second she mentions his father. Apologising, Dotty suggests they go for a drink.

And Mitch is relieved when the police leave Karen’s as he’s illegally brewing gin. But despite his gin being a hit, Mitch is forced to cancel his idea after a revelation from Karen.


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