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ED FRINGE REVIEW James Acaster, Represent


At 30, James Acaster is a stand-up comedian who has only been going since 2008, but in that time he has supported Josie Long and Milton Jones and in 2012, was nominated for Best Comedy Show at the Foster's Comedy Awards and has his own Radio 4 show James Acaster's Findings as well as regularly appearing on The Josh Widdicombe Show on XFM.

His new show, Represent sees James Acaster running his mouth off about a bunch of stuff nobody even cares about.

Before seeing James Acaster, I'd actually seen very little of him. A few clips on YouTube, but little else. But I chose to go and see him after hearing his name a lot recently and several people recommending him to me. And I'm so glad they did.

So what makes James Acaster such a hit? Well quite frankly, it's the material. The piece is brilliantly constructed, with each story told in such a way that features from each of the stories return later on. And considering the difference in subject matter from each of his stories; being on jury service, massaging his partner, being a young Christian Boy, making them somehow relate can't have been easy.

But James managed it, and appeared to do so with ease. After all, when he started the gig by revealing the celebrity secrets of the Chilean miners, I knew this was going to be a slightly different show. But one that I absolutely enjoyed.

James is witty, creative and from start to finish Represent is a show that oozes quality that some of the world's top comedians can only hope for.

So remember the name James Acaster, because I'm sure we're going to be seeing a lot more from him over the next few years.

James Acaster: Represent runs in Edinburgh until Sunday 30th August


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