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Emma shocked as Craig and Faye move into the salon flat in Corrie

How long can they keep their secret from Craig for?

Please note these spoilers are for the week commencing Monday 3rd January

As Faye drives a still tipsy Emma back from their New Year’s Eve party, they knock over Ted, an old man carrying his shopping. The girls are relieved when he opens his eyes and states he is fine and invites them into his flat for a brew.

When back on the street, Emma is shaken and spotting her looking worse for wear, Imran says she shouldn't The girls are relieved when he opens his eyes and states he is fine and invites them into his flat for a brew.

Emma and Faye decide to return to the flat to check up on Ted and apologise. As the girls vow to keep the accident a secret, Craig is keen to make plans for moving in with Faye.

When Craig reveals that he’s arranged for them to move into the salon flat with Tyrone and Emma, Faye does her best to hide her unease.

Heading home, Emma's not happy to find Craig and Faye on the doorstep with their bags, discovering that they’re moving in

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV


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