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FIRST LOOK Coronation Street's 60th Anniversary Week

As Coronation Street prepares to celebrate its 60th anniversary on 9th December, new images and new details on what to expect from a week of special episodes has been revealed.

Starting Monday 7th December, Corrie will air three one-hour episodes across the week, bringing stories to gripping climax as well as launching new ones to take us into 2021 and beyond.

With Yasmeen on trial charged with Geoff’s attempted murder, this week will see the end of her trial. Will justice be done or is the nightmare only just beginning for Yasmeen and Alya?

As the barristers deliver their closing speeches, Yasmeen stares nervously ahead and as the fallout from the verdict reverberates around the street, Geoff and Alya lock horns once more.

After attacking Alya once more, Geoff sloshes lighter fluid around number 6 and sets it alight. With Alya following him to the house, a dramatic rooftop stand off ensues. Has Geoff got his ultimate revenge on the Nazirs?

And Ryan, Sally and Tim and Cathy are shocked at what they find as they take in the scene at number 6.

Meanwhile, Adam and Carla battle to keep the shameful secret that will ruin their lives and those around them. Nothing stays quiet for long in soaps though and as the week progresses the truth about what they have done threatens to destroy them.

Having been persuaded by Leanne that his relationship with Carla is worth saving, Peter decides to show her how he really feels about her and apologises for his paranoia before getting down on one knee to propose - revealing that he’s booked a blessing in Kefalonia.

But as Daniel confronts Adam after stumbling across the truth about who Carla slept with, how will he react to the news that his brother has just proposed?

Excitedly forging ahead with plans for the wedding, Peter does get concerned when Jenny mentions seeing Carla calling at Daniel’s flat and lets his paranoia go into overdrive. What was she doing there? Has Peter got the wrong end of the stick?

Spotting Carla and Daniel in hushed conversation later in the Rovers, Peter furiously accuses them of being lovers. What will Daniel and Carla say?

Carla’s perturbed to realise that Peter’s gone out and a bottle of whisky is missing and is relieved when he returns having not touched the whisky.

But as she tries to talk to him, Peter refuses to listen, unscrews the bottle and defiantly takes a swig. Can she get through to him?

And at the centre of the anniversary week drama is of course Coronation Street itself as the residents unite to save the cobbles from the dastardly dealings of Ray Crosby. Having bought up most of the property and businesses in the area, Ray is ready to flatten the lot to make way for his new development.

As the bulldozers arrive on the cobbles the race is on to save Britain’s most famous street and will Kevin find out the truth about Debbie’s part in it all?

Unwittingly, Ken reveals to Debbie how this afternoon they’ll be lodging an application to have the brewery listed and thus saving it from the bulldozer. After warning him about the residents’ plans to prevent the knocking down of the brewery, Ray resolves to demolish it this afternoon before they lodge their application.

On the street, Abi, Kevin, Brian, Cathy, David, Ken, Rita and Shona watch with horror as a bulldozer heads towards the brewery, whilst Ray gives them a satisfied grin. Setting up camp in front of the brewery, Rita leads the residents in a rousing rendition of We shall not be Moved. Can they really defeat Ray and save the cobbles?

After a night camping outside the brewery, the residents celebrate halting the progress of the bulldozer. But their joy is short-lived when a massive long-arm digger turns up. In a bid to make peace with Abi, Kevin contacts a councillor friend to alert him to the brewery’s application for listed status. And Debbie phones Ray in a panic.

The protestors are outraged as Ray’s men start to dismantle their camp. As Ken stands in the bulldozer’s path Abi jumps into the cab of the digger but loses control of the long arm, which smashes down on a nearby substation, knocking out all the power in the surrounding streets.

Kevin is baffled as to how Ray got wind of their plans - is the game up for Debbie? In the Bistro a flattered Faye puts aside any misgivings and agrees to join Ray for a drink in the office.

And when Gary enters the bistro with the signed factory contract for Ray, he hears Faye’s muffled cries from the office and orders Ray to open the door. When Faye emerges in tears, her blouse torn, she flees. Incensed, Gary goes after her.

At their flat, Gary and Maria try to comfort Faye but she clams up, refusing to take any action against Ray, Gary seethes with rage.

Elsewhere, Leanne packs the last of her things and tells Nick she’s going to stay with Eva in France, leaving him devastated. She later reassures Toyah that she needs a fresh start in France, away from reminders of Oliver.

When Natasha brings Sam to see Nick, to apologise for gatecrashing Oliver’s memorial, they are shocked to hear that Leanne’s left him and is moving away. Deciding to try and intervene, Sam sends a message from Nick’s phone.

And Leanne is taken aback when Sam recites a list of reasons she might grow to like him if she sticks around.

Coronation Street's special 60th anniversary week Monday 7th, Wednesday 9th and Friday 11th December on ITV


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