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Fiz attends couples counselling with both Tyrone and Phill in Corrie

Will Phill agree to an annulment?

Returning from his break with Phill, Tyrone admits to Fiz that they're no further forward as every time he tried to broach the subject of marriage, Phill became upset. And Tyrone is forced to hear some truths as he and Fiz attend their first couples’ therapy session.

Over coffee at Roy's, Fiz lets slip that she likes a man in uniform, Phill calls at the factory dressed as Richard Gear from An Officer and a Gentleman. To Fiz’s horror, he attempts to lift her up, but his back goes and he drops her! Fiz is mortified.

Helping Phill into A&E, Fiz explains to the receptionist that he’s hurt his back and in the waiting room, Phill admits defeat and promises he’ll sign the annulment forms.

The next day, Fiz confirms that she’s meeting Phill in the café as he’s promised to sign the annulment form today. She's shocked after he asks her to go to a couple’s therapy session with him.

Fiz is even more shocked when it turns out to be the same therapist she and Tyrone are seeing!

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV


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