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I TALK TO Janine Duvitski

Last summer I paid a visit to the Solana, and whilst waiting for Blow N Go to open, I chatted to Janine Duvitski to find out more about what’s in store for Jacqueline in the new series.

Benidorm favourite Jacqueline wasn’t in the first episode of series nine, and when Kenneth forgets to pick her up from the airport, it was looking like she might never make an appearance.

But thankfully she did and the end of episode two saw her make grand entrance, explaining that she’s had to walk from Alicante airport to Benidorm. That’s quite the journey - eight hours!

Janine Duvitski, who plays Jaqueline, has been in every single episode of Benidorm apart from the most recent series opener, narrowly beaten by Jake Canuso who is yet to miss an episode as Spanish lothario Mateo.

What's Jaqueline up to in series nine?

Jacqueline is in a new position because her husband has gone and died, so she’s got lots of friends here and really likes coming out here so she always finds an excuse and they kindly let her be a bit of a partner (in Blow N Go), but I don’t think she does very much!

Jaqueline and Noreen have a big adventure too. There’s still a bit of will-they-won’t-they with Eddie. I think she should get a new partner soon but its not up to me! She's up for anything. She’d also like another partner I think.

Does Jacqueline have much to do with Loretta?

She has a bit of a barny with Loretta. She’s trying to make people jealous with Eddie. Usually Jacqueline is very easy going but she does get a bit cross about that. She’s a great new character!

Any more singing this series?

I don’t have a song although I do sing a bit in the last episode. I just annoy people by breaking into song but I haven’t got a number which is a bit of a relief!

We used to dread them but we’ve got quite relaxed about them now. And we’ve got a good guest coming up, Madness!

It must be nice to have been in Benidorm since the very beginning. Do you get mobbed?

I’ve done them all! Me and jake. I’ve got a house here now, not in Benidorm but further down the coast. So more of it please!

When we first got here there was a lot of bad food but there are lovely tapas and it's people having a really good time with not that much money. The beaches are like Spain.

I live a quarter of a mile down the road where there are lots of Spanish people so it's fine but here if we go out together… especially Tony (Maudsley), he’s 6ft 5, so he stands out!

Didn’t something happen to Tony Maudsley, who plays Kenneth?

Yes. Poor tony got hit in the eye by some stags, these lads fell and put his hand right in his eye. He didn’t spill his drink but Tony had to go to hospital.

He had to film for a few days with shades on. One year someone threw a punch at him. It was some homophobic attack. He got a black eye. You do have to be careful.

Benidorm continues Wednesdays at 9pm on ITV


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