How will she explain herself?
Having been given a pep talk from Shona on how to deal with awkward customers in the café, Lauren is able to remain calm and proves Beth wrong when she's accused of short-changing her.
After Shona congratulates her on the way she handled a difficult customer, Lauren tells Max about her successful day in the café and Max is genuinely pleased for her. But when Lauren misreads the signal and tries to kiss him he pulls away.
Embarrassed, Lauren storms out of the house and heads to the café where she tells Roy she has made a fool of herself and wants to resign.
Instead, Roy offers her food and a bed for the night, before she makes a rash decision. But when she offers to sleep with him to show her gratitude, Roy is horrified!
The following day in the café, Roy leaves a message for Shona, hoping she might have heard from Lauren. But when Shona reveals that neither she nor Max has seen Lauren since yesterday, Roy becomes increasingly worried.
Calling at No.8 for her things, Lauren inadvertently lets slip to Max and Shona that she made a pass at Roy as that is what men expect. What will she do now?
Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1