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Liam rushed to hospital in Corrie as he's left struggling to breathe

And as Maria starts to point fingers, her actions shock Sarah.

When Gary returns from Bristol, Maria tells him that Imran can't afford the experts needed to try and clear Kelly’s name. When he says he wants to hand over the cash anonymously, she is stunned and makes it clear that she will walk away if he puts Kelly before her and Liam.

As Liam and Jack play football in the street, Sally collars an indifferent Maria about the parking campaign. Suddenly, Liam starts gasping, unable to breathe and as the ambulance arrives, it's unable to turn onto the street due to double-parked cars.

Maria's beside herself as her son fights for breath. Ronnie moves his car to let the ambulance through as a paramedic gives Liam oxygen.

At the hospital, Liam is diagnosed with asthma and Maria is shocked to learn from the doctor that air pollution caused by traffic fumes is a common cause of the condition. And Liam is upset to learn that he has to use inhalers.

A fraught Maria takes out her worries for Liam on Gary and decides that Underworld’s van is responsible for a large share of local air pollution and insists that Sarah takes it off the road. But when Sarah refuses, she is shocked by Maria’s reaction.

Later, Sally is chuffed when Maria tells her she was wrong for dismissing her concerns about the parking problem and volunteers to support her campaign.

When Maria tackles Sarah about getting rid of Underworld’s van to help the environment, Sarah gets annoyed by her sanctimony and tells her to stick to hairdressing. And Maria informs Gary that she's selling their car and wants him to get rid of his work van.

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV


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