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Max and Lily upset Sam with their actions in Corrie

But when Lily starts to choke, will Sam choose to save her?

As Summer helps Max with his science project, he reveals that he’s currently working on a film in his own time and when Max shows David his science project, he's delighted that Summer’s having such a positive influence over him.

After telling Sam that they’re moving back to the flat today, Nick, Leanne and Sam approach Victoria Cour. With David and Max round the corner, Nick is furious when Max makes some insensitive remarks alluding to Natasha’s death and Leanne assures Nick that with family support, Sam will be fine.

When Leanne encourages Sam to write down his happy memories of his Mum and store them in a jar, he refuses to engage and slopes off back to his room.

Confiding in David, Nick tells him that he's hoping to reignite Sam’s interest in his telescope and Max suggests that he and Lily could join him.

At the sight of his telescope, Sam’s face lights up, but when Nick reveals that Max and Lily will be joining them his smile fades. Putting the finishing touches to his film, Max uploads it onto his social media.

In the cafe, a horrified Summer, together with Roy and Nina, watches Max’s film; a documentary of the night of the sewer collapse, suggesting a conspiracy theory linking Johnny’s and Natasha’s deaths.

Railing at Max, Summer demands that he take down his terrible video for Sam’s sake if nothing else.

Locking Sam out on the balcony, Lilly dangles the key in front of him and as she sucks on a lollipop, taunts him through the glass door until suddenly the lollipop comes away from the stick causing Lily to choke.

Whilst Lily continues to choke, Sam watches, frozen to the spot. Will Sam overcome his silence to save Lily?

Roy calls Sally, Maria and Nina together and after showing them Max’s awful video, suggests they need to do something positive for the community by reinstating the Christmas Market and giving a portion of the proceeds to a charity.

Having found out from Nick about the video nasty, a furious David rounds on Max and at No.8, David orders Max to hand over his phone as he clearly can’t be trusted with it. Furious, Max takes a swing at David and stomps upstairs.

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV



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