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Michael surprises Glenda by leaning in for a kiss in Corrie

And George is furious to discover that Glenda is suing him for half his business and house.


When George enquires how her purchase of Little Big Shotz is going, Glenda’s evasive and admits to Michael that George is still unaware that she’s suing him over the will.

When George tells Glenda he is sending some money over to Eileen as Jason’s medical insurance has run out she feels guilty knowing George is a good man.

Confiding in Michael, Glenda tells him that she feels bad about suing George and she's grateful for his support when he reminds her that her Dad wanted her to have half the business.

Later, Dee-Dee tells Glenda that she also has a claim on half of George’s house and as George tries to impress a potentially lucrative client, Dee-Dee delivers the letter detailing Glenda’s claim for half his business and house.

When a furious George storms into the pub and lambasts Glenda, she sticks to her guns and says she will see him in court.

Confiding in Michael, Glenda tells him that George was their Dad’s favourite and she was second fiddle. Assuring her that she’s kind, funny and smart, Michael pulls her in for a kiss.

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1



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