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Mrs Crawshaw makes a pass at Daniel in Corrie

As Daisy quizzes Nicky on her feelings for Daniel.

As he attends a meeting about a school trip, Daniel is taken aback when an upset Mrs Cranshaw confides that her husband has left her.

Offering to take over the planning of the trip to Edinburgh, Daniel is pleased when Nicky offers to help. But how will Daisy take the news?

When Mrs Crawshaw calls at the cafe, she attempts to flirt with Roy before thanking Daniel for agreeing to organise the school trip with Nicky’s help. Overhearing, Daisy is taken aback.

Later, Mrs Crawshaw calls at Daniel’s flat waving a bottle of wine and insisting he call her Orla. How will he deal with his boss making a pass at him?

When Daniel reveals that he’s spending the day working with Nicky, Daisy’s annoyed and admits to Jenny that she’s not happy about Daniel spending so much time with Nicky.

Taking Jenny's advice, Daisy asks Nicky to join her for a drink to quiz her about her feelings for Daniel.

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV


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