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Nick and Leanne attempt to buy the bistro in Corrie

But is Debbie willing to sell to them?

Leanne admits to Toyah that Nick has signed them up for all sorts of courses and whilst he’s in his element, she’s not really enjoying her life of leisure.

Calling at the factory, Nick admits to Toyah that he's missing work and that a life of leisure is actually really boring but he doesn’t want to let Leanne down. Toyah is quietly amused and at her instigation, Nick and Leanne admit to each other that they’re not enjoying their new lifestyle.

When Nick wonders what the alternative is, Leanne reveals she’s got a plan. Over lunch, she persuades Nick that they should make Debbie an offer for the bistro as it’s clear she’s struggling and they could do with a challenge.

Nick’s won over and as they put in an offer for the bistro, Debbie reckons it’s far too low and tells Nick and Leanne that she’d be willing to sell them 50% of the business. But when she reveals how much she wants, Leanne tells her to whistle.

Will Leanne get what she wants?

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV


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