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Nicky suspended after her past is exposed in Corrie

But is Daniel right to blame Daisy?

Fed up with Daniel spending so much time with Nicky working on the Edinburgh trip, Daisy turns up at the school with packed lunch for them both.

Mrs Crawshaw tells her to knock before she goes in and then seems surprised when Daniel introduces Daisy as his girlfriend. With her paranoia reaching new heights, Daisy tells Jenny she's going to find Nicky a man to keep her away from Daniel.

Aware that it’s Nicky’s first day in her new job, Daisy suggests to Daniel that they all meet up for drinks after work as she’d like to get to know her better.

But when Nicky arrives at the Rovers, she's unaware that Daisy is trying to set her up with her ex Ashley. Embarrassed when Ashley recognises her, Nicky makes her excuses and leaves.

Daisy is stunned to discover that Ashley knew Nicky when she was a sex worker and decides the time has come to confront Daniel.

In turn, Daniel confronts Nicky but is left thoughtful when Daisy asks him to give Nicky a wide berth. But later, Daisy is furious to find them both looking cosy in the cafe.

Summoning Nicky to a meeting, Mrs Crawshaw tells her they need to discuss her past and Nicky confirms that she used to work in the sex industry.

Later, she explains to Daniel that videos and images from her past are all over the school and she’s been suspended.

Furious, Daniel assumes Daisy is responsible but Daisy is hurt that Daniel would think she'd do something so malicious as she opens up to Jenny.

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV


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