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Noel Edmonds Confirmed for I'm A Celeb

After much speculation, ITV have confirmed that Noel Edmonds will be entering the jungle as this year's late arrival and released his official photo.

Best-known for presenting Telly Addicts, Noel's House Party and Deal or No Deal, Noel has played plenty of pranks on celebrities and members of the public over the years and now he knows it’s going to be time for revenge on him.

Turning 70 shortly after I'm A Celeb finishes this year, Noel has vowed to retire from our television screens if he is crowned King of the Jungle.

Making his promise to retire, he added “I am going to win because I promise the British public if they vote for me, I will retire from television and I will never appear again. There’s a deal that I am striking with the great British public who have supported me over the years - they make me ‘King of the Jungle’ and I will retire and never appear again!”

Reflecting on the fact he will be joining the camp as a late entry, Noel says “It’s going to feel a bit like turning up to a party a few hours after it’s started but not even being able to bring a bottle! It’s going to be an interesting reaction. How will the people who have been there for a while feel about me wandering in? The helicopter they use are the helicopters I fly so I could turn up and say ‘hello I’m a celebrity, I’m going to get you out of here!”

And the popular presenter admits people will be surprised when they find out he has decided to take part in this year’s I’m A Celebrity. It’s down to presenter, Declan Donnelly, he explains, who first mooted the idea of him going in the Jungle.

“It actually started as I was filming with Dec earlier in the year and he said ‘Ah you should do the Jungle’. Our 15-year-old son, Harrison, was there at the time and he said ‘it will be brilliant; you have got to do the Jungle’.

He put me under considerable pressure. The reason why I’m going to have this amazing

experience is down to Harrison. I just love the idea that I’m going to live out in the natural environment. I’m looking forward to learning more about myself and meeting people I would never normally ever spend time with.”

For someone who is known for his love of flying helicopters, it comes as a shock to discover he’s actually scared of heights. He reveals: “I am not great in confined areas. For a helicopter pilot it is strange to admit I have a fear of heights. You can overcome phobias when you treat them logically but I may well succumb. I am going to give it my best shot. Whatever I do, I’m determined not to let people down. I have a fear of letting people down. I am a team player.”

Admitting he hates confrontation, Noel says he is brilliant at domestic chores. “My role in the camp will be doing the washing up,” he says. “I am very good at domestic duties and I will keep the place as tidy as I can.”

I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! continues every night at 9pm (9:30pm on Saturdays) on ITV


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