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Paul offers to help with the cost of Gemma and Chesney's wedding in Corrie

But there's a catch! They must stop arguing. Will they?

After Gemma accuses Chesney of putting his business venture before their wedding, Paul calls at No.5 to find Gemma swamped with kids.

When she tells him that she has no choice as Chesney’s blown the wedding fund on his burger project, Paul tells them he wants to chip in towards the wedding if they will stop arguing.

Elsewhere, when Dev reveals that his golfing partner has let him down, Bernie offers to step in and later in The Rovers, Bernie lords it over sulky Dev and tells Chesney how she thrashed him at golf.

And when Bernie takes a call from the ladies’ golf captain asking her to take part in next week’s trials, Dev does his best to be pleased for her.

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1


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