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Peter bids farewell to Weatherfield as Carla receives an unexpected visitor in Corrie

With Peter gone, is Carla's nephew here to stay?

On Christmas Day, as Peter gives Carla a beautiful present, a silver bracelet inscribed with ‘P loves C’, he is shocked when she reveals what she has bought him!

Boxing Day’s emotional episode explores the relationship between Carla and Peter as they look back over their tumultuous courtship and realise that, although they will always love each other, maybe they are better off apart.

As they sit down to their last supper together will these soulmates be able to come to terms with a future without each other?


Heading out of the flat with his holdall, Peter is closely followed by Carla and is touched and surprised to find the whole family, except for Simon, who's waiting outside. Exchanging emotional farewells with each of them, Peter promises Ken that he’ll keep in touch.

Later, Roy is concerned for Carla when she reveals that she and Peter have parted company. Announcing she’s going to work from home, Carla hurries out and almost knocks a lad called Bobby over on the factory steps.

Over at the Street Cars flat, expecting a pizza delivery, Carla buzzes Bobby in instead and is completely thrown when he reveals that he’s Rob Donovan’s son!

As Bobby spins Carla a sob story, Rob phones and puts Carla in the picture and Bobby is thrilled when she agrees that be can stay a few weeks, if he plays by her rules.

Heading out of the flat, Bobby and Carla are met by a van and the driver opens the doors, Bobby recognises all his possessions and realises that his Mum must have sent them on.

With Carla gutted to realise he’s here to stay, Simon offers him his bedroom and announces that he’ll go and stay at his Mum’s.

Later, after finding Bobby in the Chariot Square bar chatting up Debbie, Carla drags him home!

Coronation Street continues Christmas Day to 29th December on ITV1


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