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Roy reaches out to Lauren's mum in Corrie as Carla tries to prove his innocence

As he offers her his sympathy, will Kerry believe him?


In the solicitors’, Dee-Dee confides in Adam and Alya that she’s worried all the evidence so far is stacked against Roy.

When Carla tells her about Roy’s sleepwalking and the abusive calls, Dee-Dee feels the pressure and assures Carla she’s doing everything she can to prove Roy’s innocence.

Later, Bernie’s horrified to see that someone has posted Lauren’s Mum’s contact details online. Appalled, Roy studies the post and against Evelyn’s better judgement, calls Lauren’s Mum, Kerry, leaving her a message offering his sympathy.

In the café, when a customer makes jibes at Roy, suggesting he’s responsible for Lauren’s disappearance, Bernie and David leap to his defence. But Roy is sickened to realise the trouble he’s brought into his friends’ lives.

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1


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