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Sam asks Harvey some awkward questions in Corrie as he pays him a visit in prison

Will Nick let Harvey see Sam again?

As they meet up with Karis, the facilitator, Nick and Sam head into the prison.

Inside the prison visiting room, Sam interrogates Harvey who concedes that he intended to murder Leanne.

When Harvey reveals that his Mum died when he was 14, Sam reckons it must have caused him to go off the rails and when he asks him some awkward questions about his Mum, Harvey strides out.

In his prison cell, Harvey is clearly rattled by Sam’s visit and picking up Sam’s most recent letter, sets about reading his questions.

When Debbie shows potential buyer Lynne around the bistro, Leanne does her best to sabotage the sale.

Having found out about Leanne's game, Debbie tells Nick and Leanne she’ll force the sale of the whole bistro.

Taking a call from Karis, Nick is told that Harvey wants Sam to visit him again tomorrow. Will he agree?

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV


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