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Shaq confronts Nadira over her kiss with Juliet in Hollyoaks

Who will Nadira choose?

After Juliet’s shocking confession, Nadira has a decision to make. But will she call off her engagement?

Realising the importance of honesty in a relationship, Shaq reveals to Nadira that he saw her kiss Juliet. Confronted with questions about her sexuality, Nadira makes a surprising decision to prove her feelings to him.

Having spent the night with Nadira, Shaq makes a point to show off the strength of their relationship in front of Juliet. As soon as he’s gone, Juliet leaves Nadira with some words of advice. But as tension builds between Peri and Juliet, will Nadira listen?

Hollyoaks continues Mondays to Fridays at 6.30pm on Channel 4 with first look episodes available weekday mornings on All4 and weekday evenings at 7pm on E4


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