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Shona upsets Rita's best friend in Corrie as she starts working in the Kabin

How will Rita react when she finds out?

When Brian and Cathy reveal that they’re booking a holiday, Jenny urges them to book some cover, convinced Rita won’t be able to cope on her own.

Explaining to Rita that he and Cathy are off to Cornwall tomorrow, Brian tells her that he's arranged for Shona to help out in the Kabin. As Rita talks Shona through her duties, Shona assures her she won’t let her down.

As she starts work at the Kabin, Shona takes delivery of new stock from Gordon, a supplier. But after declaring that she can’t take any more of his boring stories, Shona shoos Gordon out of the Kabin only for Jenny to warn her that Rita and Gordon are the best of friends!

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV


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