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Sid's friends rally around him in Hollyoaks as he struggles to date

After accepting Imran's help, Sid receives some words of wisdom from a special guest.

After Juliet realises that Sid is swerving texts from Demi, he admits to her that he’s trying to hide his prosthetic from her.

Despite his leg still hurting, Sid is determined to go through with his date with Demi, but whilst waiting for her in The Hutch, Tony points out that there is blood on his trousers, and a panicked Sid rushes off.

When Juliet asks Sid to meet her for lunch, he's surprised that Demi is there and they finally have their date. But how will it go?

Angry at Juliet for telling Demi about his prosthetic leg, Sid revisits the place where his accident took place. Finding him there, Peri and Sid have a heartfelt conversation.

As Juliet tracks him down, they apologise to one another and Sid’s friends offer their support.

Brooke tells Imran that he should have a one-on-one with Sid, but he’s not convinced it helped much.

So when Misbah gives Imran an idea to help Sid, he’s willing to try it but he struggles to convince Sid to attend an online support group that he’s signed him up for.

Later, Sid changes his mind and joins the meeting. A special guest from the Paralympics offers him some words of wisdom.

Hollyoaks continues Mondays - Fridays at 6.30pm on Channel 4


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