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The trial gets underway in Corrie as we finally find out what happened to Seb

But will Abi get the justice she deserves?

On the eve of the trial, Nina’s unnerved when a piece of music transports her back to the last day of Seb’s life. Upon hearing from Roy that fragments of Nina’s memory are resurfacing, Abi gets an idea and brings to the cafe the bag of items found on Seb’s body.

Among the various bits and bobs, Nina’s struck by the sight of a plastic heart ring and remembers Seb giving it to her. Deciding to retrace her and Seb’s steps, Nina takes Abi, Summer and Asha with her to the wasteland where they encountered Corey and Kelly.

In flashback scenes, we're taken back to the night of Seb’s attack and the truth about what happened is finally revealed to viewers as a distraught Nina sees her memory return.

Whilst Kelly and Corey prepare for the trial, Imran plays mind games with an overconfident Sabeen. But with both lawyers confident their own client is telling the truth, and Imran and Kelly prepare to go into battle against Corey and Sabeen, who's really telling the truth?

As her recollection of the evening comes to an end Nina cries having remembered her last moments with Seb and vows to go to the police to tell them what happened that night.

Alone in his cell, Corey remembers the aftermath of the attack, how he ducked into a ginnel

to change into fresh clothes from his rucksack, stuffing his blood-stained tracksuit back

inside and stashing it in a hiding place before returning for it later and tossing it into the river.

At the police station, Nina signs her new statement, hoping it will help bring justice for Seb and in court, Sabeen’s concerned to hear about the new statement.

As Corey and Kelly’s trial gets underway, Nina is urged to readopt her goth look as no one deserves to be persecuted for the way they look. Will Nina have a change of heart?

Meanwhile, as Seb’s final voicemail is played, Kelly hangs her head in shame, while Abi shoots venomous looks. Nina tells the court how she remembers seeing Corey kicking Seb repeatedly and Kelly begging him to stop.

However, when Sabeen cross-examines her, will Nina’s story stand up? She questions Nina about the reconstruction that she staged and does her best to discredit her friends. And Imran is worried when Nina starts to lose her temper and the court takes a break.

As the court resumes, Stefan looks at Corey, increasingly troubled by Nina’s account and Asha enters the witness box, telling how Corey bullied her and forced her to lie to the police.

Sabeen Asha on if she’s still in love with Nina. What will she say? And when Imran questions her, he suggests Seb was murdered simply because he got in the way.

Coming to the conclusion that Corey was in fact targeting Nina out of jealousy as Asha was in love with her and not him. Horrified at the implication it was her fault, Asha sobs outside in a fuming Dev's arms.

When Kelly reveals her mum has offered to give evidence, explaining she stopped her from going to the police straight away, Imran’s unsure - aware Laura could be a liability.

Outside court, Abi rails at Stefan, suggesting it’s time his son started telling the truth. As Corey takes the stand, he lies through his teeth, claiming Kelly viciously attacked Seb as he tried to stop her.

Continuing to paint himself as the victim, Corey tells the court how Kelly’s Dad is a gangster and she threatened to have him killed if he reported her to the police.

Listening, Kelly is incensed and Imran cross-examines Corey, suggesting that in fact, he was the one who killed Seb. Will Corey and friend Eli be rattled?

As the trial continues, Imran suggests to Eli that he’s lying about Kelly in order to get a reduced sentence himself and Abi clocks Corey's unease.

When Tommy Orpington takes the witness box, he gives Corey a glowing character reference.

Once again, outside court, Abi launches a verbal attack on Stefan, accusing him of trying to buy Corey’s innocence with bribes. Despite denying it, it's clear he’s rattled.

Determined to discover the truth, Abi searches Corey's social media accounts. Will she find any proof?

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV


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