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Tim confides in Aggie after receiving devastating health news in Corrie

But will he come clean to Sally?

Please note these spoilers are for the week commencing Monday 3rd January

Tim and Sally kick off the new year with a smoothie as part of their new healthy regime and Tim tells Peter that he’s booked both he and Sally in for health checks with Dr Gaddas.

Having successfully passed their health checks, Sally reckons they deserve a treat, but Tim’s reluctant and it’s clear he’s hiding something. Sally's none the wiser when a furtive Tim takes a call confirming an appointment.

Later, she's disappointed when Tim refuses to join her for a run, making out he has to work and finds out from Peter that he lied.

After receiving a text confirming his appointment, Tim attends his appointment with the cardiology consultant who explains that he’ll need an angiogram.

Rushing out, Tim drops his wallet and when Aggie returns it to the house he asks her not to tell Sally about the appointment as he doesn't want to worry her.

Meanwhile, Sally thinks he is embarrassed to be seen out with her and insists Tim goes on a run with her. Worried about his heart, Tim goes too slow and lets Sally go on ahead.

Later, Aggie secretly joins Tim for his appointment after he refuses again to tell Sally and Tim is shocked when the consultant tells him he needs a triple heart bypass. Warning him that without an operation, his next heart attack could be fatal.

Struggling to cope with the diagnosis, Tim remains in denial, despite Aggie imploring him to listen to what the consultant has said.

But when he refuses her suggestion of a sexy night in, Sally is hurt.

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV


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