But why does she feel guilty?
When Tim remembers that it's his wedding anniversary, Aggie offers to go shopping with him to ensure he doesn’t buy Sally a totally unimaginative gift. But when Ed enquires where she’s been, Aggie makes out she had lunch with a girlfriend.
In a bid to wind up Sally, Tim pretends to have forgotten his wedding anniversary, but his plan backfires when Sally tears up his card and leaves No.4 in a huff. Tracking her down, Tim apologises for his prank and presents her with a beautiful necklace for their anniversary.
As a reward for his thoughtful gift, Sally decks out No.4 as a romantic grotto and cooks Tim a special anniversary meal. Feeling grateful, Tim gives Aggie a necklace to say thanks for helping him and Aggie can't help feeling guilty when Dee-Dee admires it.
Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV