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Asha splits from Corey in Corrie after listening to advice from Yasmeen and Nina

But will he be just as willing to move on?

After Dev tells Asha and Aadi that he’s organised a surprise for their 16th birthday, Asha suggests to Corey they could do something nice for her birthday, but it’s clear that all he’s interested in is sex. Cheering her up, Nina gifts her a choker just like the one she wears.

When Dev reveals that their big birthday present is having their initials added to the corner shop sign, the twins are left underwhelmed.

Wearing her new necklace, Asha calls in the cafe and when Corey mocks her choker, suggesting it would be better suited on a dog, Asha feels embarrassed and takes it off.

With Corey gone, Yasmeen tentatively suggests to Asha that she shouldn’t be spoken to like that as Asha hides her upset. And Yasmeen isn't the only one to warn her off Corey as Nina urges her to carve her own path and not let the likes of Corey bully her.

Buoyed by Nina’s words, Asha puts the choker back on. When Corey sees her wearing it again he orders her to remove it, asserting it’s the end of their relationship if she doesn’t comply. Asha stands her ground and Corey goes as Asha tries to hide her upset. Later, a glum Asha reveals she’s split from Corey.

Elsewhere, Dev is pleased to see Aadi taking on his new management role and calling at the kebab shop to announce to Bernie and Cathy that he’s there to conduct their reviews.

Corrie continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV



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