But when he confides in Liz, what does this mean for his future with Jenny?
Johnny suffers a heart attack as he visits Aidan’s flat, desperate to find the motive for his suicide. When Jenny points out that Sophie isn’t to blame for Aidan’s death after admitting to not replying to a text from him, he storms off to bed. Sophie confides in Rosie how she showed Johnny Aidan’s text and he pretty much blamed her for Aidan’s death.
As Carla and Michelle sort through Aidan’s things, Michelle comes across Aidan’s will and is stunned at the contents and puts it in her pocket. She then finds a letter in Aidan’s handwriting addressed to Johnny. With the family present, Johnny opens the letter and reads the words “I’m sorry, Aidan”.
Later, Michelle reveals the contents of Aidan’s will to the Connor women and confides in Ali about cancelling the wedding as it wouldn’t be right so soon after Aidan’s death. But when Ali suggests that perhaps a small family wedding is what they all need, he offers to help organise it and Robert reckons it’s a good idea.
After opening up to Billy about how upset she is at Aidan’s death, Summer reveals her idea for an initiative called ‘Speak & Save’ which will encourage young men to talk about mental health. Jenny and Carla are impressed and offer their support.
With Aidan’s death also taking its toll on Adam, he orders Daniel to get rid of Flora. When Daniel apologises for Adam’s outburst, Flora’s unfazed. When Flora later asks Adam about his day he finds himself opening up to Flora, revealing his fears that his ongoing feud with Aidan caused him to take his own life. Flora offers some words of comfort and Adam’s touched and tells her she’s welcome to stay as long as she likes. Later on in the week he takes Flora for dinner and can’t help enjoying her company.
After inviting him into the back room, Liz comforts Johnny as he breaks down, telling her how Jenny’s getting on his nerves and he hates himself for failing his own son.
Back at home Johnny loses it when Jenny suggests he needs to see a doctor and hurls his glass at the wall. As their row escalates Jenny accuses him of wallowing in grief and Johnny storms out. After kipping on her sofa, Johnny thanks Liz and heads out as Jenny remains in bits after their row.
Summer’s ‘Speak & Save’ fundraiser takes place at the cafe and Johnny is overcome with emotion.
After a chat with Eileen Johnny apologises to Jenny for pushing her away. Telling him she loves him, Jenny asks where he spent the night. Will Johnny admit he was with Liz?