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CORRIE SPOILERS Sinead and Daniel's devastating news, Robert's guilt, Ali's seizure and more

The following storylines will air 9th, 11th & 13th September at 7:30pm & 8:30pm on ITV

When Sinead invites Daniel to the bistro for lunch, Daniel decides to take Bertie out for the day instead, so as to avoid Bethany. He soon changes his mind when Bethany tells him that for Sinead's sake, he should turn up. When he arrives for lunch he's taken about to see Sinead waiting for him in her wedding dress and they hug.

As Beth helps Sinead do her hair, she’s horrified to discover a lump on Sinead’s neck. Quietly taking Daniel to one side to tell him the news, she wants him to bury his fears and enjoy the day. Overcome with emotion as they cut the cake, Daniel rushes out but as Bethany goes to find him, he refuses to talk. He later returns to make an emotional speech and they both dance through their tears.

After Sinead goes for a scan at the hospital, Daniel suggests a mini-moon to take their minds off the results. Determined to remain upbeat she tells him to book it, but as Daniel opens up to Bethany about his fears over the lump, Sinead takes a call from the hospital. They want her to come in this afternoon, scuppering their plans.

Sinead and Daniel’s worst fears are realised as the consultant breaks the news that the cancer has spread to her lymph nodes and liver and Sinead has only 3 or 4 months to live. Reeling in shock they share their awful news with a distraught Ken, Peter, Carla, Adam and Beth.

Blaming herself for delaying her chemo, Daniel tells Sinead that had she not made that choice, they wouldn't have their beautiful little boy. Utterly bereft, the two cling on to each other as they stare out of the window looking at people going about their daily lives.

After asking Beth to tell people her sad news, Sinead tells Chesney that she doesn't want his sympathy when he tries to offer some words of comfort.


After hearing that Michelle has agreed to Ray's franchise deal, Robert is annoyed and when Ray offers to pay for Sinead and Daniel’s wedding and hold the reception at his hotel, Robert pays Vicky a visit telling her that he'd like to stay the night and as they kiss passionately he suggests they go upstairs.

Meanwhile, after inviting her up to his room to discuss the franchise plan in more detail, Michelle finds Ray wearing a bathrobe and is taken aback when he places his hand on her thigh, telling her that they make a great team.

Awash with guilt Robert returns home to apologise to Michelle and tell her that he’s happy to go with her franchise plans. But Ray tells Michelle he’s had a rethink and is not convinced she’s right for his business after all.


As Kevin launches into another rant at the garage, Abi gazes at him adoringly, secretly recording it for her web page. Having seen the look, Tyrone urges Kevin to ask Abi out and when he later suggests they meet for a drink, she accepts.

But when Tyrone reveals that Kevin sees it as a date, Abi is horrified and lets him down gently, explaining she loves him as a mate but that’s as far as it goes.

However when Ali starts quoting Kevinisms from Abi’s web page, she’s forced to admit what she’s been up to and is sacked. But will Sophie be able to change his mind after she tells him that Abi's web page could be a money spinner for the garage as Kevin’s an internet sensation.

And when an old school friend called Michelle contacts Kevin online wanting to meet up, will he agree?


When Maria overhears Ali and Emma whispering she jumps to conclusions and accuses Ali of cheating on her with Emma. But Maria feels foolish when Ali reveals he’s booked a posh hotel for them and Emma’s agreed to babysit.

Disappointed after her night away with Ali, Maria worried that he's working too hard but as she arrives at the hospital with lunch, he's distracted as his dealer is arrested and dragged away. Venting his anger on an upset Maria, Ali has some serious making up to do.

Desperately trying to hide his withdrawal symptoms, Ali goes to see Dr Gaddas to beg for a diazepam prescription. But Dr Gaddas isn't fooled and urges him to get help for his addiction. Insisting she’s got it wrong, Ali leaves.

After also failing to pocket some of Carla’s anxiety pills, Ali heads home empty handed where he starts sweating and shaking and Ryan is horrified when he arrives to find Ali on the floor, convulsing. As Ali’s seizure continues, a terrified Ryan calls for an ambulance but after regaining consciousness, Ali's horrified to realise that Ryan has called the emergency services.

Covering his condition he sends the paramedics away, cancels his date with Maria, and admits to Ryan that he’s addicted to diazepam. Begging Ryan to help him, he explains how he couldn’t cope after Cormac’s death and turned to drugs.

When Ryan returns with Robert, who assures him that he's here to help, Ali agrees to go cold turkey with Robert and Ryan promising him he’ll get through it.


When Bernie takes Gemma shopping for maternity clothes, Chesney wonders where she’s found the money and his suspicions are confirmed when he uncovers the positive pregnancy test scam. Turning her anger on to Bernie, Gemma tells her to go but as Bernie tries to leave the shop, the alarm goes off.

After being accused of shoplifting, Bernie is taken aback to discover the security guard is her old flame, Kel and after talking him round, Gemma and Bernie return home, when there's a knock at the door - Bernie has invited Kel for tea to say thank you.


After being reminded of her own wedding day, Kate becomes upset and Jenny tells her she wants to cheer her up and has got a little surprise for her. When Kate finds an envelope in her bag containing £1000 an emotional Kate thanks Jenny. However it’s apparent the money didn’t come from Jenny so who is Kate’s mystery benefactor?

When Craig reveals he saw Gary slipping the envelope of cash into her bag, Kate’s baffled and goes to confront Gary. He lies to her saying that his wealthy mate Derek gave him the money and he simply wanted to help fund her travels.

As her family and friends gather in the pub for Kate’s leaving do, Sophie reveals she’s turned down Kate's offer to go travelling with her and is staying, having enrolled on business management course leaving Paula thrilled.


Elsewhere, Claudia announces she’s booked a family holiday to Venice to celebrate Ken’s 80th birthday and Johnny thanks an uncomfortable Jenny for the generosity she’s shown his daughter. 


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