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Disaster strikes as one limo crashes onto a frozen lake in Emmerdale

But which group has been left in a perilous position?


Emmerdale are about to unleash a heart-stopping storyline centered on a fateful night that brings two limousines into danger, with one vehicle left teetering on a treacherous frozen lake.

In a chilling flash-forward sequence revealed earlier this year, we were haunted by the sight of a desperate hand breaking through the lake's icy surface, its fingers grasping for life.

Liam has big plans and buys as many tickets for the raffle for a night out in a limo as he can and then asks Aaron for Chas' hand in marriage. Despite Aaron's crabby response, Liam’s grateful for his blessing and excited for his planned proposal.

Later that day, there’s a hub-bub of excitement in The Woolpack as they wait for the raffle to be drawn. But Liam's face falls when despite his efforts, he fails to win the raffle.

With his romantic plan seemingly foiled, Liam begs Suzy to get hold of another Limo so he can still carry out his surprise. And the girls are excited when Kerry turns her win of the limo use into a girls’ night out.

Elated to have secured his own Limo, Liam is gutted to learn once again his plan is a non-starter as Chas will be out with Kerry. Frustrated and annoyed, his romantic plans have been foiled.

In an attempt to cover his engagement plans, Liam announces that he's planned a boys’ night.

The next day, during a special episode on Valentine's Day, we flashforward to later that night as all is quiet at a frozen lake, until an unknown hand desperately pounds on the ice from the depths of the water.

Back to the present, we return to a chaotic Main Street as the two groups make their way to their respective Limos. When the limos are dropped off with no drivers, it's up to Charity and Caleb to assume the roles of chauffeur.

Unbeknownst to Cain, Caleb is still livid and is determined to avoid being near his brother.

With Liam determined to carry out his plan, he gets Mandy on side for a favour and Liam is soon optimistic once again for the night ahead.

In the girls' limo, the atmosphere is chaotic and a huge row breaks out in the boys' limo as the evening takes a dive.

With the drivers both distracted, the two cars separately swerve off the road in unrelated accidents to each other.

One limo crashes onto a frozen lake and as the ice cracks, one of the groups is left in a perilous position.

Emmerdale continues Mondays to Fridays at 7.30pm on ITV1 with first look episodes available from 7am on ITVX



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