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EASTENDERS SPOILERS Kim struggles to move on from Vincent

But does anyone know where he is?

Denise helps her to pack up the house and after taking a trip down memory lane, the pair get tipsy and burn Vincent’s belongings.

But with money to be made from his clothes, Denise convinces Kim not to burn all of them and Donna agrees to sell them on to another market.

When Kim suggests that the smell of Vincent's aftershave could be the cause of her stomach turning, Denise starts to suspect there's more to this than meets the eye and convinces Kim to take a test.

Feeling helpless, Kim tries to get hold of Vincent but with no success. Convinced that Phil knows something after offering her a shoulder to cry on and £10,000, Kim pays him a visit.

With no one offering up any information as to his whereabouts, Denise suggests the police should get involved.

Reluctant to go to the police, Kim eventually has a change of heart after Denise tells her that she needs to do it for Pearl.

These scenes will air Monday 4th - Friday 8th June on BBC One


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