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Elaine puts her foot in it with Gina in EastEnders after encouraging her to go for it with Zack

Can Linda bring the Knight girls closer to Elaine?

Trying to get closer to Gina and Anna, Elaine plays matchmaker but gets things terribly wrong after confusing Gina's crush on Zack with a fondness for Freddie.

Having established that Freddie is single, Elaine encourages Gina to go for it, But when she gets a knockback from Zack, a gutted Gina believes there's still hope after Elaine says she's had a word with him. Unaware she’s confused Zack with Freddie!

After the confusion causes humiliation for Gina who gets warned off by Whitney, the misunderstanding leaves Elaine in the doghouse with her stepdaughter-to-be.

When George asks Elaine to make it up to Gina, Anna tries to befriend Whitney and Linda promises to help by setting up a girly pamper afternoon with Kim doing nails.

As Kim works the nail party, tensions remain high between Elaine and Gina and during a frank chat, Gina tells Elaine that she doesn't need another mum.

Later, the Knight girls concede that Elaine and George love each other, and Linda hopes that they can move past this.

EastEnders continues Mondays to Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One


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