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EMMERDALE SPOILERS Monday 11th - Friday 15th February

Next week in Emmerdale, Paddy comes face to face with who he thinks could be his dad, Cain threatens Graham, Doug struggles for time alone with Brenda, Matty and Moira talk through their issues and Billy struggles with his aggression.

Here are all the latest pics and spoilers you need...

Paddy comes face to face with who he thinks could be his dad

Wrestler Bear Wolf!

After calling in sick so that he can attend a wrestling convention, Marlon is caught out after Paddy pops over to check on him and spots him wearing a Bear Wolf T-shirt. Feeling betrayed, the penny then drops that Marlon was planning on attending the convention.

Reluctantly, Paddy agrees to attend with Marlon, Jessie and Chas and they are all disappointed to find it being run out of a working men’s club.

A bag of nerves, Paddy heads outside only to bump straight into Bear Wolf and chokes up as he tries to explain himself.

Will Paddy get the answers he was hoping for?


Cain threatens Graham

As Faith tries to build bridges

The police arrive at the garage with a warrant to search after receiving an anonymous call from Graham. Demanding answers from Graham, Cain threatens him over what he's done.

Sarah knows her mother is hiding the truth regarding her row with Cain and soon Debbie gives her a softened reason why she’s not speaking to Cain.

Meanwhile Faith is determined to stop the family feuding but can she unite Cain and Debbie? Or will her efforts be futile?


Doug struggles for time alone with Brenda

As Nicola comes up with a way of Laurel making some extra cash

With Laurel relying on him so much, Doug's finding it difficult to have romantic time alone with Brenda.

Meanwhile, due to the imminent evictions, things are still frosty between Nicola and Kerry. Spotting that Laurel is short tempered, Nicola tries to comfort her and Laurel explains about her money worries. When Nicola suggests renting out her spare room for extra cash, Laurel seriously considers it.

Before long, Gabby unwittingly progresses this idea and soon Doug is being asked to give the pirate ship a lick of paint as Laurel is wanting to rent it out as overnight accommodation. However Doug snaps and tells Laurel to do the work herself.

But with evictions in the offing in the village, could Laurel soon find tenants for the pirate ship faster than expected?


Matty and Moira talk through their issues

After Victoria encourages Matty to talking things through with her

Matty steels himself when Moira arrives to talk about their issues and Moira bolsters Cain into fighting to get Kyle back off Kerry. But will he?


Billy struggles with his aggression

And things take a dark turn as Ellis gets behind the wheel of the van

After seeing him in the shop, April tells Ellis that she misses. But with Ellis and Billy still at loggerheads, Jessie is determined to unite the family.

Convincing Billy to come to the Bear Wolf meet and greet, Jessie is shocked to see him show aggression towards Frank when he accidentally knocks into him. Later, Billy confesses to his mum that he's still struggling to come to terms with his aggression after his time in prison.

After failing to arrange a romantic evening with Victoria, a disappointed Ellis spots his brother Billy chatting to her in the pub and chases after him angrily.Outside, Ellis threatens Billy to keep him away from Victoria and it's not long before fists start flying.

As the confrontation between the brothers escalates, Victoria calls Jessie. Stealing the van keys, Ellis accelerates towards Billy who stands his ground in front of it.

Horrified Victoria watches as Ellis accelerates the vehicle towards Billy with no signs of stopping or swerving.


Emmerdale continues Mondays to Fridays at 7pm, with an extra episode Thursdays at 8pm on ITV


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