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FIRST LOOK Love Island: All Stars

It's time to find out who's returning to Love Island for a second chance at finding love.

On Monday 15th January, Love Island returns to South Africa for the first series of Love Island: All Stars as familiar faces venture back into TV’s most talked about Villa for a second chance at finding love.

And today, the 12 famed former Islanders being given another shot at finding the one have been revealed.

Once again, Maya Jama returns as host, with more live interviews promised and a launch show airing across ITV1 and ITV2, with the rest of the series continuing on ITV2.

It's time to meet the former Islanders who'll be first to enter the famous villa....

Anton Danyluk

Series 5 | 29, Lanarkshire

Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa?

For me it was a no brainer. I got the call and it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and probably the best summer I have ever had in my life. Getting the chance to do it twice is going to be unbelievable.

Why do you think the Love Island Villa is the perfect place to find love?

I think this time with Love Island: All Stars, things will be different, as we all understand what it’s like to go on Love Island and the only thing now missing is finding a partner. I’m really excited at the prospect of it.

What was your most memorable moment from your first time in the Love Island Villa?

There are two that stand out for me! If I get seen out, people always ask me ‘does your mum still shave your bum?’ Haha. That just doesn’t go away! And of course it has to be Craig David performing. It was iconic.

Chris Taylor

Series 5 | 33, Leicester

Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa?

Last time I was only there for 15 days, so I want to do it and enjoy it all again. I am 33 now and getting on a bit - I am getting ear hair! It would be nice to have a girl to keep my ears trimmed for me! It would be good to find a girl who I can co-parent my dog with.

What will you do differently this time around?

I am going to try very hard to not get pied as many times as I did last time. I managed to get pied six times in 15 days, which has got to be a world record. I am going to make better decisions which will probably end up transitioning into worse decisions.

How did the Barbie Movie come about?

I was invited to an after party by Margot Robbie and then ended up at an after party with her. I started to panic and make conversation with her, just having really stupid chats. All I can assume is that my silly chat made an impression on Margot Robbie. 18 months later I got an email from Warner Brothers asking do you want to try out for this role as Ken - it was a tumble dryer of emotions.

Demi Jones

Series 6 | 25, Portsmouth

Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa?

I am returning to the Love Island Villa because I am ready again to find love. I lost a lot of confidence with my health issues over the last couple of years but I’ve been smashing the gym this year, finding my confidence again and I’ve got it back. So, let’s find a man!

What will you do differently this time around?

I will go in there with a little more determination. Last time I was a little too naive and a little too nice. I’m still going to be my nice and bubbly self, but if I want something I will go after it, because I deserve it as much as the next person.

How will you feel if you come across an ex in the Villa or someone you’ve dated from the show since appearing?

It’s all love with everyone. It will be interesting to see if old flames get reignited. Naturally with Love Island paths are very much crossed and believe me, I have some paths!

Georgia Harrison

Series 3 | 29, Essex

Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa?

The last time I went in as a bombshell and I always wondered if I would have found love if I’d gone in a bit earlier. When I heard about Love Island: All Stars, I thought it was meant to be.

As much as this years been amazing, it’s been heavy at times and pretty serious with all of my campaigning work.

This is the last year of my 20’s so I want to go in the Villa and have some fun and hopefully meet someone that I can fall in love with. I’m lucky in the sense that I’ve got everything in my life that I could possibly wish for, apart from love.

What will you do differently this time around?

This time around I’m going to be more confident, I was 21 the first time around, I’m now 29 and I feel like I know myself fully at this age. I’ve also got new boobs, which is great when you’re in a bikini so they’re ready to rock and roll! I think above all else I’m just going to have as much fun as possible.

If you had to pick your top Islanders from Series 1 to 10 to couple up with who would they be and why?

In terms of the type of boy and relationship I’m looking for, I always look at Alex and Olivia Bowen. Alex is a great candidate for the ideal boyfriend, good looking, the way he treats her, the person he is. Joshua Ritchie I’ve dated before, he’s good looking and my usual type.

Chris Taylor, he’s hilarious and the main thing I’m attracted to is a man who can make me laugh. What a fun guy and like I said, I’m looking for someone to TikTok with so I reckon he’d be game for that sort of stuff!

Georgia Steel

Series 4 | 25, York

Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa?

I’m 25, I have a house, a cat, a nice car - I have everything in life but a boyfriend, so why not give it as go.

Why do you think the Villa is the perfect place to find love?

I feel like going in this time it’ll be nice because we have all gone through similar experiences, I think that'll create an instant connection.

You’ve been brave and honest in opening up about being conned by a former partner. How has this experience impacted the way in which you now approach dating?

I take that experience as a really positive reflection now. I look at it as something I had to go through to make me stronger and learn things in life for me to be able to learn what I want in my next partner. It’s a massive benefit for me as it makes me more knowledgeable and wiser on what I need to receive from a relationship.

Hannah Elizabeth

Series 1 | 33, Liverpool

Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa?

I’m returning to the Love Island Villa because I did it eight years ago and what an opportunity I never thought I’d get again. I’m not very good at finding love but I had a ball the first time, so I’m going to have a ball again.

Why do you think the Villa is the perfect place to find love?

It’s a great place to find love because it takes you out of your comfort zone. I'm looking forward to meeting people that I might not necessarily meet day to day.

You got engaged on the show last time, do you think wedding bells could be on the cards again this time around?

Absolutely not, not in the Villa no. Maybe when I get out, but I’d need to give it a bit of time. It was almost ten years ago and I was in that proper whirlwind kind of love, now that I’m that bit older I try to take things a little slower.

Jake Cornish

Series 7 | 26, Weston-super-Mare

What will you do differently this time around?

There is nothing major I would do differently but I have definitely matured in the two years since first being on the show. I look at things differently and respond differently. When it comes to people's opinions, I don’t sit on the fence anymore. That is my way of life now, so I will take that into the Villa.

Why do you think the Villa is the perfect place to find love?

It’s high spirits. The sun's out, everyone is happy and you’re taking part in a once in a lifetime experience. Who wouldn’t be excited to go into the Villa?!

How will you feel if you come across an ex in the Villa or someone you’ve dated from the show since appearing?

Well there is only one and that’s Liberty. We never ended with any bad blood between us and everything happens for a reason. We just become two different people in the end.

Kaz Kamwi

Series 7 | 29, Essex

Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa?

To be totally honest, I actually really want to find love. I had a great time last series but I want to have an even better time.

How will you feel if you come across an ex in the Villa or someone you’ve previously dated from the show?

The thing is, I’m a bad b*tch so I will handle it with as much grace as I can.

What was your most memorable moment from your first time in the Villa?

It has to be coming out with my best friend for life, Liberty. The memories I loved and treasure the most are more often than not the ones with Lib. We always laugh about the moment we first met when we couldn’t open the champagne, to this day we still remember it and when we go out, we just look at each other and laugh.

Liberty Poole, 24

Series 7 | 24, Birmingham

Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa?

I’ve grown so much as a person since I was first on the show, so I’m excited for people to see that. I’m a lot more confident in who I am and sure about exactly what I want from a relationship. I just want to have fun and meet a lovely boy.

How will you feel if you come across an ex in the Villa or someone you’ve dated from the show since appearing?

It’s always going to be awkward isn’t it, it’s always going to be weird seeing someone that you’ve been with getting with someone else. I wish my exes nothing but the best. I'm going to be focused on my own journey so if it was to happen I won’t be worrying about them - so I'll stay focussed on my goal, which is to find love.

Last time when you were in the Villa, the nation loved that you wore your heart on your sleeve, is this still the way you approach looking for love?

I always wear my heart on my sleeve but seem to end up getting hurt. I often say I’ll have my guard up but I’ll probably get in there and fall in love after a week. I’m always just quite tunnel vision when it comes to love, if I really like someone I can’t multitask!

Luis Morrison

Series 1 | 29, London

Why are you returning to the famous Love Island Villa?

It was the best experience of my life. I found love in the Villa before and who knows if I can find love in there again?

What will you do differently this time around?

I’m a lot older and wiser, so I know what I am getting myself into. I don’t have a game plan at all - I am an open book so I will go with the flow and see what happens.

Why do you think the Villa is the perfect place to find love?

I feel like it’s the best place to find different connections. I am confident I will find a connection again.

Mitchel Taylor

Series 10 | 27, Sheffield

Why are you returning to the Love Island villa?

I think I went in with my heart on my sleeve the first time and got hurt and this time I am just going in to enjoy myself and if a connection happens, a connection happens. Honestly when I went in for series ten, you saw me and Molly, I went for Molly, I wanted her. And with this one, I am not going to make myself that vulnerable. I am going to play the game.

What will your friends and family think about you going back on the show?

My mum loves it. She is going to have a great January / February just watching me

on TV. She loves being known as my mum. She loves it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she started up the Mitch Taylor fan club again.

In the summer you were given the name ‘Messy Mitch’, and a name that you have taken on as your own, why do you think you got this name and can we expect more of the same in the series?

I’ll be honest, I don’t really plan on being “Messy Mitch”. It just depends on what day of the week it is. I wear my emotions on my sleeve and what you see is what you get. I am very honest and very opinionated and I think that’s what people like me for. If I don’t agree with something, I’m not going to hold it back.

Toby Aromolaran

Series 7 | 24, Essex

Why are you returning to the Love Island Villa?

I’m single and Love Island worked for me the first time. I had a good relationship and fell in love. If I'm Single and Love Island is an opportunity for me, how could you turn down the chance to find love again?!

What will your family and friends think about you going back on the show?

It’s a running joke with my family and friends that for me to find something serious with a girl,I would need to go on Love Island. They call it my version of a dating app.

My family are so supportive and are just waiting for me to bring another girl home from the Villa.

You were in a long-term relationship with Chloe, what do you think her reaction will be when she hears you are going into the Villa?

I don’t know how she would take it. We will always have love for each other and I think she would wish me the best of luck, as I would certainly do the same.

Love Island: All Stars launches Monday 15th January at 9pm on ITV1 and ITV2


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