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HOLLYOAKS SPOILERS Monday 25th February - Friday 1st March

Next week in Hollyoaks, Mitchell is warned off Cleo, Sylver meets his biological mother, Juliet begins to see a different side to Mac and Scott, Martine and Lisa go to an 80s night party.

Here are all the latest pics and spoilers you need...

Mitchell is warned off Cleo

But as the two go on a date, will he listen to his grandad?


Sylver meets his biological mother

But will she want to meet him?

When she spots Sylver looking through pictures from his childhood in the hope of finding his birth mother, Breda panics and hides a picture from him. Spotting her, Goldie manages to steal it from her. It’s of a woman and her baby boy, with a name on the front.

Mercedes and Goldie contact the pub they’re standing outside in the picture and tell Breda that they've found her in a nursing home and will tell Sylver where he is.

Together Sylver and Mercedes head to meet his biological mother, Harriet.


Juliet begins to see a different side to Mac

As she continues to pine after Darren

Hoping to convince Juliet that Mac is evil, Romeo organises an intervention and when Jack tells her about the school explosion she refuses to believe it.

But when Mac can’t show her a receipt for the down-payment on a holiday he’d promised her, she doesn’t know what to think.

Mac later confronts Juliet about giving the voicemail to James, but he soon realises that she never heard the voicemail. Juliet is furious that James went behind her back and after seeing her upset, Lily tries to talk to her, but Juliet only gets angrier and throws a brick through the school window.

Juliet agrees to go for a meal with Mac after he offers her money for an outfit to wear, without any intention to go.

Her crush, Darren, is back, so she pays him a visit. After getting suspended from school, Juliet helps Darren in the kitchen and he reassures Mandy that he’s only a phone call away.


Scott, Martine and Lisa go to an 80s night party

Scott dressed as Cruella de Vil and Martine and Lisa dressed as Mel and Kim


Hollyoaks continues Mondays to Fridays at 6:30pm on Channel 4


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