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Junior's secret family is revealed in EastEnders

Could their arrival be just what George needs?


After Anna reaches out to Junior, he arrives in Walford to spend time with his sister, but George feels pushed out to see his children bonding in The Vic. However, the moment is interrupted when Monique and Xavier arrive and the family discover Junior has a secret family.

Whilst the Knights are delighted to bond with Junior’s family, it’s clear there are still tensions between him and George when Junior makes his excuses to leave.

When Elaine reasons they can move into The Vic, after some persuasion from Gina, Junior agrees to stick around.

Later, Elaine orders Linda, Gina and Anna to butt out after she overhears them gossiping about her current predicament with George.

Elsewhere, George spends some quality time with Monique and Xavier and is warmed when Monique reveals her Ghanian heritage and offers to help him connect to his culture.

EastEnders continues Mondays to Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One with first look episodes available from 6am on BBC iPlayer


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